Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Absurdity of Ignorance

It is quite unbelievable to me the strong hold that religion often has on people and the way this hold will often blind and mislead people. "In the Land of God and Man," by Silvana Paternostro shines light on the way religion has mislead people's perception of sex and sexuality, in Latin America.
Instead of educating people on sex and sexually transmitted diseases especially HIV and AIDS, the church has imposed their religious ideologies and made people believe that these things only happen to whores and gays. It is through the enforcement of ignorance that so many people continue to be infected, many of which are women who have followed the rules of the church.
Proper sex education goes a long way. The thing that is so mind boggling to me is that inadequate sex education does not only happen in Latin America, it happens right here in the United States. By only teaching teenagers that abstinence is the ultimate contraceptive, many young adults are left victims to unwanted pregnancy and STD's,
We need to acknowledge that teenagers are engaging in sex whether we like or not and it is our job to ensure that they are properly educated. If we do not provide proper information we are ensuring a vicious cycle of ignorance.

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