Friday, April 16, 2010

In the Land of God and Man

I found the actions of Silvana Paternostro, the main character in the book, to be very bold and brave. Silvana had the audacity to leave her home county, Columbia, to go to the United States and study. She left behind a culture in which patriarchy is the way of life. In Columbia, she was taught, like all females from her country, that in order to be "successful respectable woman must marry a rich man, have lots of children and be able to take care of the domestic needs of her family. She could not run her own business, without her husband’s consent, get involved in politics or have a voice. By her moving to the United States, Silvana was able to realize that there is another world out there where these double standards do not exist. She was able to apply her new way of thinking to presenting the effects of that these double standards have on Columbian society.

I feel like all women that are were once in the same position as people she interviewied and are wanting to seek help should get the right kind of treatment. This website provides resources to help women do that.

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