Saturday, March 7, 2009

De Colores Means All of Us

Elizabeth Martinez is very opinionated in her book, De Colores Means All of Us. I like how the reader can tell that she’s very passionate about human rights and the fight for equality. Chapter 10, “Levi’s, Button your fly – your greed is showing!” talks about how women working in maquiladoras struggled for human rights. The union, Fuerza Unida, asked for support from the public by cutting off all Levi’s tags/labels and mail them to the company headquarters. This brought me back to high school because a student did the same thing, but with a different company, Forever 21. Around 2002, 2003 there was a huge campaign about Forever 21 not paying its workers the proper wage or making them in harsh conditions. My friend asked all of the girls to cut off their Forever 21 tags and give them to her because she was going to add them to their even bigger collection that to include a letter and pictures of workers. The Garment Worker Center fought on behalf of the maquiladora workers and stated their facts, which are on this link:

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