Monday, October 20, 2008

Reaction to YouTube videos

Watching the videos that were posted about the migrants brought Enrique's Journey to life. Already reading the book and knowing that it is a true story, it’s hard to picture such horrifying things happening to real people. Seeing men with decapitated arms brings Sonia's descriptions of boys being pulled under the train and the possibility of having limbs torn off to mind.

This is the first book I've read where the author was a journalist who followed someone and retraced their steps in a book. I think Sonia is a very brave journalist and went to great lengths to write this book. She not only journeyed to a different country but she put her life at risks several times.

Her writing is simple. She is very descriptive and the book is a great read. It puts a face to immigrants that are looked down upon and seen as a burden in the U.S. These people dye trying to enter our home and it makes them very brave. I don't think too many Americans would be able to say that they would do the same.

Sonia presents the story in a non bias way. She isn’t telling the reader to feel sorry for Enrique or to criticize his mother for leaving him. She is a good journalist and reports on what is happening and leaves it to the reader to make up their own mind about it. What gives her credibility as a journalist is that Sonia went out and interviewed many people. She is not only telling a story about a boy who is looking for his mother, but she is telling the reader that his story is not unique. His story is the story of many and she does so by including facts along the way which makes the book so interesting.

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